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Acne Scars

The Big demand is there from youngsters and marriageable age adults for acne scar management. Lack of self-confidence, little response from the opposite sex, and beauty issues are stated as the main reasons for the demand for addressing acne scars. Different modalities may offer significant improvement in the scars, pigmentation, and general outlook of the face.

Fractional Deep Laser Sittings

Little downtime. Offers good improvement in indicated cases. Sittings are planned generally at 6-week intervals. 4 to 6 sittings are planned as short sittings under local anesthesia. Improvement is much better than classical superficial fractional laser. Local tightening of the skin may also be better.

Peeling Lasers

May be required when the whole area needs resurfacing.  Downtime is more.  One gets more improvement in pigmentation, but downtime is the problem.  However, many patients do get a lot of results with full-face laser resurfacing.


Deep, extensive, tethered scars may need to be separated from the depth where they are attached. At times these spots may be filled with fat grafts. The affected areas partly smoothen out.

Fat Grafting

Fat grafting has a special role in scarred areas that are hollowed out too. Fat acts as filler as well as has stem cell characteristics. Scars improve, fill out, and pigments improve too.

Full Thickness Skin Grafts

In focal deep and scarred areas, total excision and replacement with grafts may be required. These areas would be later on resurfaced. This procedure has a small but definite role in the management of acne scars.

Pigment Lasers

After acne scar management, Certain lasers may be used to improve skin quality, irregular pigmentation, texture, and darkness of the skin.


Acne scar management is generally accompanied by cream treatment regimens, including sunscreens.

A person having realistic expectations of results would be happy. Remember, your skin cannot be made like somebody else’s skin. Yes, a lot of improvement may occur in your skin after various treatment modalities and your continued care as advised by the treating doctor.